ED&D Podcast: Episode 3 Guests
Michael Lombardo, MA is an Executive Director with the Placer County Office of Education and Coordinates the California Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Coalition.
Michael’s primary areas of interest focus on creating environments where our children can achieve their very best, feel engaged, safe and supported. In these roles he works locally and nationally as a leader in early prevention, student wellness, social-emotional skills development, breaking down barriers to learning, and family/youth engagement. Michael is a member of the California Department of Education School Attendance Review Board and Student Mental Health Policy Workgroup as well as the Placer County Child Abuse Prevention Council. He has presented at numerous local, state and national conferences and professional meetings. While directing several grant projects integrating mental health in schools, systems development, suicide prevention, and school climate, Michael has brought innovation to school mental health. He has extensive experience in the implementation and scaling up of evidence-based practices, multi-tier systems schools, juvenile justice, and human services environments. His diverse professional background includes leadership positions in Education, Juvenile Justice, Health and Human Services, Mental Health and System of Care. He feels his most significant accomplishment is being a father of two children who are now embarking on their own journey as adults impacting the world around them.
Luke Anderson Ed.S., BCBA is the Senior Director of Prevention Supports and Services for the Placer County Office of Education. Within this role, Luke oversees the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) regional initiatives.
Luke’s role also includes supporting the Differentiated Assistance process. Luke is a statewide SWIS and I-SWIS Facilitator Trainer and a member of the California PBIS Coalition Leadership Team. Prior to joining the PCOE team, Luke worked as a special education teacher, behavior analyst, school psychologist, and PBIS Trainer for one of the largest school districts in California. He has worked as a lecturer in the School Psychology and Special Education programs at CSU, Sacramento where he taught courses on academic and cognitive assessment. In addition to presenting at numerous state and national conferences, Luke has been an invited speaker at the UC Davis Mind Institute's Summer Institute, the Northern California LD Association Conference, the California MTSS Professional Learning Institute, and the PBIS National Leadership Forum.