The Equity, Disproportionality & Design project has officially launched!
Getting to see our administrators, teachers, parents, and community members start forming relationships around preventing disproportionality has been exciting and inspiring. On October 22nd, we held our first of three design workshops in partnership with IDEO and the Teacher's Guild. During this workshop folks assembled to learn about applying design thinking to preventing disproportionality. Then each person joined one of three teams whose mission spoke to them:
Awareness Team: How might we build a shared understanding of disproportionality across all stakeholders?
Action Team: How might we empower our community with the tools to confidently and proactively address disproportionality?
Scale Team: How might we establish a statewide network of collaborators to scale new bold ideas to prevent disproportionality?
Don't worry if you missed the first design workshop–we've got our second one on February 13, 2020 and our third one on May 12, 2020. We value forming community around preventing disproportionality, so all are welcome! We'll be sending more information about those as we finalize the plans, but do save the date.
Our community mapped the special education journey from different perspectives at the ED&D design workshop.
Our next step: listening to our community
It's time to turn learning into action. Last week the Action, Awareness, and Scale teams held their first coaching call with Marcus, Olivia, Ryan and Adha to plan empathy interviews with our community. This week our design teams are conducting empathy interviews. We'll use what we learned from these interviews to help us continue designing meaningful services for preventing disproportionality.
What's next?
We're excited for what's coming up! Save these dates for future ED&D events.
12/2/19 Training: Overview of Disproportionality | Register
1/16 & 1/17/20 Conference: Equity Conference 2020 (Co-sponsored by SDCOE and South County SELPA) | Register
Save the date
12/10/19 Coaching call: Awareness Team | Save the date
12/11/19 Coaching call: Action Team | Save the date
12/12/19 Coaching call: Scale Team | Save the date
2/13/20 Design Workshop with South County SELPA and the Teachers Guild
5/1/20 Training: Building an Equity Network | Save the date
5/12/20 Design Workshop with South County SELPA and the Teachers Guild
How you can help
Join us in taking a human-centered approach to preventing disproportionality in our schools! Here are some ways to take part in the work:
Share our website and invite others to sign up for our newsletter
Follow us on social media. We're e_d_and_d on Twitter and Instagram
All the best,
Equity, Disproportionality & Design Team
In collaboration with the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative or Educational Excellence